Infinite Empath Transfigurations

Learn The Self-Healing Astral Energy Work & Regimen

To Maximize Your Life Force Energy

Watch the first webinar below, recorded live on 12.21.2023


Watch the second webinar below, recorded live on 12.28.2023

The Unstoppable Empath Group Membership

Is for Empaths who are ready to become



This is serious work being balanced in fun spiritual community of

Empath Light Warriors like you,

who are ready to MASSIVELY LEVEL UP their lives.

For just $35 a month, you will learn how to work with and

maximize your vital Life Force Energy.

You will experience the immediate and continual healing, and frequency up-leveling effects every step of the way and with each self-healing session you complete.

This means raising your frequency, and experiencing the ripple effects

of this energy work throughout your life and timelines.

Maximize Your Life Force Energy

The Unstoppable Empath:

not just a group or community, but a


Infiniti knows that the more people who learn and do this work for themselves, even more people will be magnetized to it because of the incredible results this self-healing energy work delivers.

Why Join This Membership?

If you resonate with any of the following, this is for you!

Maximizing & Managing Life Force Energy

  • You're an Empath, Psychic Empath, or Psychic Physical Empath.
  • You want to maximize your Life Force Energy and have complete control over it.
  • You're ready to level up and take your ascension seriously.
  • You've been waiting to find the right opportunity for spiritual support and guidance on how to work with energy for yourself.

Spiritual Awakening & Evolution

  • You're on a quest to learn more about yourself and how energy plays a role in your life.
  • You're Spiritually Awakening, and want to maximize your understanding and connections with your Spirit Tribe, Guides, and Guardians.
  • You want to be part of a spiritually awakening community.
  • You're ready to join a group and participate in something extremely high-vibe focused on self-love & self-care.

Healing & Self-Improvement

  • You need to move on from a romantic relationship.
  • You would like to be able to forgive people.
  • You've been waiting to find the right opportunity for spiritual support and guidance on how to work with energy for yourself.
  • You know it is time to deeply work on you in a way you haven't before.

Emotional & Mental Well-being

  • You have intrusive thoughts about particular situations/people.
  • Your emotions are uncontrollable and all over the place.
  • You have a hard time concentrating/brain fog.
  • You deal with sudden, intense bouts of exhaustion.
  • You have chronic fatigue.
  • You want to accomplish more in your life, but you feel stuck and unsure of what to do.

Physical Health & Pain Management

  • You have chronic pain.
  • You deal with constant and ever-changing physical issues/pains.
  • You have on and off-again or chronic digestive issues.
  • You don't have the energy you know you should.

Intrusive Memories & Feelings

  • You have dreams about people you don't want to think about.
  • You get sudden intense feelings or memories about people.
  • You get sudden, intense sexual feelings/memories about past lovers that happen without you thinking about that person.

Relationships & Communication

  • You want to have better communication and stronger relationships with the people in your life.
  • You're an artist, and your passion to create, and creativity is not what you know it should be.

What's Included In The Membership?

A One-Of-A-Kind

Ultra-Powerful Tool Kit

Infiniti is your facilitator and Soul Guide of this

Divinely Channeled Course & Group Membership.

She is an Archangelic Incarnate, a channel and vessel for Mother-Father God,

Mother Earth GAIA, The Archangels, Ascended Masters, Dragons, Fae, Unicorn, Mer,

Galactics, and Spirit Animals, she is an embodied incarnate working with her counterparts, The High Council, heal, guide and enlighten humanity to The Truth.

Their mission and priority is to help you remember how

spirituality connected and infinitely powerful you truly are.

Infiniti is a Generational Shaman, Psychic Physical Empath, Medical Medium,

Medium, Quantum Distance Light Energy Healer, Astral Healing & Travel Guide, Messenger, Divinely Guided Artist, Diviner, Seer, Oracle, Mystic

Interdimensional, Interplanetary & Interspeicies Communicator.

Infiniti has dedicated her life to her own healing & ascension,

and is fully embodied and activated to her Life Purpose & Soul Missions.

Her highest timelines open and receiving the energies to work with and guide

Empath Light Warriors to their MAXIMUM POTENTIAL.

She does this by working with Awakening Empaths one-on-one,

in group workshops, writing articles & books, her podcast, Infiniti's Shaman Circle, her YouTube Channel, Infinite Empath Transfigurations, and her Facebook Page.

She has been guided to create and facilitate the activation

and launch of two new groups:

The Unstoppable Empath Group Membership &

The Shaman Circle Group Membership subscriptions.

Powerful Tools For A Lifetime

  • Exclusive, In-Depth Content - Yet to be published in her new book, The Essential Empath, this excerpt of the book will be your ENERGY Bible.
  • 2 Foundational Energy Healing & Spiritual Connection Spirit Walks - Activate and prepare your body to receive maximum Life Force and connect to Divine Guidance through your Guardian Angel.
  • Connect To The Archetypes In Your Life - Each person and event is a character and backdrop of your life. Get deeper insight on your story and its themes.
  • Tune Into Your Psychic Abilities & Divination - Kickstart or excellerate your psychic awareness and abilitites by working with The Tarot on each of your self-healing sessions.
  • THE HEALING: Channeled, Guided Spirit Walk - A recorded Spriit Walk for disconnecting and integrating your Life Force Energy you'll use the rest of your life.

Illuminated, Loving Support

  • The Unstoppable Empath launches LIVE on 1.11.2024 - 2.1.2024. You'll have the opportunity to interact with Infiniti, ask questions and meet your fellow group members.
  • Replays - If you can't make it to the live course sessions, the replays will be available for you the next day, and indefinitely for your review.
  • Weekly Live Calls Every Thursday at 12 PM Pacific-You're never on your own through your journey. Get support, validation, and get your questions answered in weekly Google Meets Member Meetings as you navigate disconnecting and resetting your energy connections.

  • Private FB Group Community - Get feedback and support as you complete each module and task. Reach out to Infiniti through the group with any questions. Build relationships with fellow members in the group, share stories and experiences as you raise your vibration.
  • Deep Discounts - This membership comes with the opportunity to have monthly discounted one-on-one sessions with Infiniti at a fraction of her fee.

Are You Ready?

  • Are you ready to learn how to work with your bodies and your energy in a way that truly empowers you and your timelines?
  • Are you ready to release the past and everything that holds you back?
  • Are you ready to prioritize your healing and ascension?
  • Are you ready to level up your magnetismim and power?
  • Are you ready to commit to a regimen that puts you first?

If the answer is YES, then complete the sign up form below to join

The Unstoppable Empath Course & Group Membership NOW!

Otherwise, click the yellow button to register receive important updates about this membership, request a consultation with Infiniti, and to register to get notified of any

new webinars, promotions, etc.

Sign Up Here:


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